Private mailing list is one of the most targeted, measurable, and cost effective ways to stay in touch with clients or create new clients. You also continue to build a long term relationship with associates and family members; perfect for realtors, consultants, attorneys, physicians or anyone. We also provide an inexpensive way to create custom Return Address Label for functions and events.
Our staff are able run a mail merge using data in Excel you provide. This is typically used to generate and print address stickers or prepaid carrier shipping labels, which we will then mail out your greeting cards or literature. The standard mail merge label size is 2.625″ x 1″. You can provide your own logo, example Christmas Tree logo and we will merge each address.
To get started, just CONTACT US with your project request to discuss your ideas and number of addresses labels. Each sticker sheet contains 30 addresses and cost a couple of dollars.
- To create your Return Address Label – just include your name, return address and logo
- To create Mail Merge Address Label, [DOWNLOAD our Excel Template], follow the instructions, and email us your SHIP TO address tables 24 hours ahead of time. Let us know if want simple address sticker labels or prepaid shipping labels with tracking. You can provide your card on file to begin the project immediately or pay in person for a deposit estimates.
Prepaid Shipping Labels - Custom wedding labels or circle labels are also popular for special events. These labels can be designed and printed per your what you need. You can design yourself or you can have one of graphic graduates do it for you for a nominal fee.
Avalon Mail Business Center 3564 Avalon Park E Blvd, Ste 1, Orlando, FL 32828