Registered Agent

Registered Agent Service for your business. If you own a Limited Liability Company (LLC), Corporation, or Limited Partnership (LP), you are required to designate a registered agent for your business entity.  We will act as your office to process and receive legal documents for your business as the Registered Office and Domestic Entity.  One stop service, we also create & register new businesses LLC, INC, etc.

Authorized Member (AMBR), will be the mailbox primary owner, who is authorized with the duties to read notices, address demands pertaining to the corporation which is served on, forward and maintain accurate corporation records.

All you need is sign-up any size mailboxes:

  1. Designate your Registered Agent Office:
  2. Put your personal box address: 3564 Avalon Park E Blvd, Ste 1-[mailbox number], Orlando, FL 32828
  3. Authorized Person: Title AMBR, is your name or your designated company Chief Financial Officer and your mailbox address.  Your signature.
  4. Question see, [See Domestic Entity Statute 607.0501 ]

Avalon class 2021 mKey functions:

  • Receive all communication with the State, such as the Annual Report and certificate of good standing
  • Receives all legal documents for the business
  • All Carrier Service – USPS Registered mail, UPS, Fedex, DHL, even Amazon, Uber and much more

To begin just signup for any private Physical Mailboxes or Virtual App Mailbox (for folks who rather check their mail anywhere, anytime using a mobile app). [|CHOOSE A MAILBOX|]

Registered Agent Florida 3564 Avalon Park E Blvd Ste 1, Orlando, FL 32828