
Orientation, Welcome To Day 1 to 365

Class 2016Welcome to our Experiential Learning Center. Avalon Mail Center is owned and operated for reasons that go beyond pure monetary returns; it is an Angel Investment, managed with an academic-community-centric philosophy. Our pledge is as one united, regardless of race, sex, language or religion; mission to advance knowledge, foster intellectual curiosity, build community, giving, caring and empower lives of purpose, service and leadership.

Year 2024
Year 2024

All staff will be required to complete two qualifying background checks to work at Avalon Mail Center, a Federal check and a Florida check.  All employees that turned 18 years old and have completed the 14 work-days challenge, will be required to become a Florida Notary Public. Once you have met the Employee Requirements and Orientation, you will enjoy the complete Employee Benefits, listed below, it is not difficult at all.  Please note this is a center with a strong ethical culture, no personal phone by the workspace to distract, limit your use, we want you to look up and interact with your teammates.  A staff member who has compulsive behavior of browsing a personal phone while at work and is not able to stay focused, will be dismissed.

Avalon Park TrainingOrientation:

  • 14 work-days challenge
  • Wearing badge and work ethics
  • Keep the workplace clean
  • Video training quizzes
  • Life lessons sharing from Leo
  • Knowing your customers and self-evaluation (example yelp)
  • Notary for permanent employees over 18.
  • We function as a unit, as such we expect a timely response to messaging  that a team member may ask after shift hours, exhibiting good leadership and caring.

Your corporate office: CyberCEO Inc.  Division: Postal Biz HQ  Retail: Avalon Mail Center, Avalon Park
Our address: 3564 Avalon Park E Blvd, Ste 1, Orlando, FL 32828.  Public phone: 407-482-0662

Our Goals:  Develop skills in business operations, client relations, retail best practices, policies & laws, decency, responsibilities and innovation; it is also a place to develop work ethics, leadership and life lessons.

Employee Unique & Cool Benefits  (2024)

  • Office nibbles and lunches – Our Norwegian-Eurasian-Latin Office Lunch, see a chafing dish buffet in the project room, help yourself. Whether you are on your way to school or have a busy day, grab a quick bite on your way.  Enjoy the fellowship provided from our tips and matching funds from Leo
  • All Staff discounts are available at wholesale cost.   If you want to participate in the staff discount, create your Customer Profile first and request Leo to convert it to an Staff Account.  You can open a store ACCOUNT and can pay cash at the beginning of each month or be deducted on the next month’s paycheck.
    • The best practice requires (1) all transactions to be recorded to encourage honesty and avoid confusion among staff. Ask your teammate to record your purchases! (2) To receive a discount, Select your name in the POS first, before you enter your transactions.
      are at cost, such as Copies $0.08, Notary $1, Faxing $0.20 (are recorded for tax purposes).
      CARRIER SHIPPING will be adjusted after the carrier bills and you can see the refund rebate credits on the statements next month.
  • Alumni Club – local students who have graduated and moved on, can continue to work on Saturdays or be in the pool of substitutes to stay in touch!  You will be pleased to know that there is always a place here for homemakers and in between unexpected life event changes.  This is also essential to help ensure you accumulate your annual 4 social security credits at an early age. We love to see you around, stay in touch.
  • Lunch Breaks: Staff that start work at 1.30pm are encouraged  to have your lunch before starting your shift.  The industry standard does not include any paid breaks for hourly wage employees, but for a work day that lasts over 5 hours, you are welcome to go buy a lunch and eat in the Project Room.  If you plan to leave beyond the building more than 5 minutes you should clock-out. We encourage all staff to eat in or bring your lunch if you don’t want to clock-out.  If you have to adjourn elsewhere, you should clock-out.  Staff who work 1/2 day, should have their lunch after or before the shift.  Per customer’s request, hot dishes should be eaten outside or in the Project Room.  Do not abuse the benefit.
  • Free H&R Federal Tax e-filing Feb-Apr
  • Tips and Donations in cash or credit are consolidated and distributed to all staff as a way to better manage disbursement fairly, so as not to create chaos among staff.  As a policy, do not pull cash from a register, as it can become dangerous among staff.  Most tips are from credit cards. Cash can be kept in register or deposited in the red donation box. Tips are taxable.  Tips will be distributed with awards and pay raises.
  • Benjamin Franklin Challenge Awards  Always be responsive to communications and training to unlock monetary surprises!  Unique to our progressive business model, twice a year (July 4, Dec 31st) permanent active employees who have worked consecutive 6 months and have met all the Employee Requirements can earn Benjamin Franklins or Spend Card!. This program is calculated by dividing the number of hours worked for the past 6 months and multiplied by the Points scored against a pot of money from the matching donation funds. This is not an entitlement but earned during and after hours. Failing any one category (below 75%), will reduce your awards for the 6 months, as such it reduces your unrealized earnings.   Points on each category:
        • Complete your Marketing or training assignments = 2 points (meet with Leo to propose your interest or be assigned).  Ideas like publications, video/film, postcards, improving processes, social media, newsletter to mailbox customers, advertising.
        • Wearing badge = 2 points or 0 for violations.
        • Discipline & Responsibility (completing tasks on email, scanning dropoffs, early/on-time/overtime, complete training, accuracy, focus at work – personal phone away, closing registers, security & fire safety) = 3.5 points
        • Leadership (initiatives, responsibilities/ownership, communications, earnest effort, response to messages timely, store upkeeps, customer service, support team members on Saturdays and emergencies substitutes). = 2.5 points
  • Letter of reference A letter of reference is valuable if you need a character assessment or a defined employment position, loan application, academic program, USCIS or other unique opportunity, you can request for a letter of recommendation.
  • Movie nights, staff lunches, happy hour, fellowship, leadership.  To develop leadership, the newest or youngest student will be responsible to budget and plan an event night.  Past events: Staff Lunches (Jan, Feb, Apr, May 2024), Ahmed Indian (May 2023), Christmas 2022 (Hamper Day), Thanksgiving Kobe Steakhouse! (Nov 2022), Movie pizza night (Aug 2022), Thanksgiving Marketplace Dinner (Nov 2021), Fondue Night (Jun 2021), Movie night (Apr 2021), Christmas Japanese A-Aki Steakhouse (Dec 2020).
Office Nibbles & Lunch Fellowship

How to Handle Scammers, Social Marketing Calls and Spams

Just Take a Message!  All you have to remember is: help all customers, but personal information only flows one way – to us.  We do give out any manager’s name, mailbox owners or private numbers or our schedules.  Person who calls should know who they are calling for, don’t be fooled by social engineers.  Take a message and say goodbye.  No to spam, do not provide our email to marketers or subscribe to anything. We have special emails for vendors.

We have 500 mailbox customers with businesses registered to our address.  Be aware of scammers phishing for names, especially fake FedEx callers.

1. If the caller just asks to speak to a manager and does not know a name,.  Ask “what company or who are you calling for?”  If they get it wrong, red flag to 99%.  move on to STEP 2. “I can take a name, number and message.  We have 500 companies here”.  (Do not give any names or email sharing).  If they really need a name, Gary is our codename.
3.  Other than that, Short and sweet.  Goodbye!

Buddy Buddy System

We have a buddy system. Please remember to support your buddy if you are free.

  • Help to measure and size a box – 1/2 inch up or round up.
  • Help to select packaging boxes
  • Help with checking id during Notary, expiry date, a second pair of eyes is always better
  • Help to clean up the counter

It is normal to have 1 staff in the mornings at times, but as of 2022, by design… we have added redundancies with two staff in the mornings and a second shift at 1.30pm.  You should inform your teammate buddy if you are running late and cc Leo.  If you need a substitute, just text the whole team to request for a sub at the earliest opportunity and complete a Time Change Report. If both staff are always late, then it defeats having two staff at opening.  Do not abuse the system.

Employee Time Clock System Option

At the present moment we do not require all employees to manually clock in and out, as this center is automated with motion, radar and image sensors.  However, you can choose to clock in-out as an option using our manual system, which means you have clock in-out whenever you leave the building, including away for breaks.  Time clock typically encourages you to be on time.  Staff are encouraged not to exceed the budget, typically the last customer’s sale at closing + 15 minutes reserved to wrap up.

Team Leads designated as Closers, will clock-out to handle unplanned schedule changes.  The published closing time is for customers, not for our staff.  We close the last register after the last customer leaves but you can say “credit only” (if cash is already counted).

Our center carries a daily and weekly budget and the time management strategies aim to 1) make the time reporting manageable (2) encourage on time (3) measure productivity during downtime (4) discourage overtime to avoid abusing the system. (5) Generously rewarded for your leadership.

  • Awards: Employees are compensated every 6 months (Jul, Dec) for any extra effort, tips, any unplanned or last minute extra time you worked beyond your schedule. We will recognize your contribution, leadership and especially being early on openings by compensating through our Over Budget Time (OBT) Award
  • Breaks: The industry standard does not include any paid breaks for hourly wage employees, but for a work day that lasts over 5 hours, you are welcome to go buy lunch and eat in the Project Room. Clock-out if you leave the building. Bring your lunch if you don’t want to clock out.  Staff that start work at 1.30pm are encouraged  to have your lunch before starting your shift.
Movie nights

Now.. what should I wear today?

AMC badge-awards

A name and recognition badge is provided to be worn outside your attire, which is the only way to distinguish a staff from customers.  This is required and scored in the twice yearly performance and awards.  Don’t lose your first badge, the cost is $5 to replace but is well worth it, pays for itself with earned awards, if you wear it.

Dress code: a badge must be worn while at work.   Black / Navy blue being the store’s adopted color.  However women in dresses can be any color.

Holiday Team
Hamper Day

Women can also wear casual but professional looking dress, pants or skirts.  In addition to tailored shirts or blouses, tailored knit sweaters and sweater sets are appropriate business casual choices for women. White button-ups with a collar are also suitable.  Fabrics should be crisp; colors generally be solid; black, navy, gray, brown and khaki are always safe bets.  School/college t-shirts are okay.  Khaki shorts are acceptable but not anything shorter or casual than that.  (i,e, no PE shorts). A set of Jedi badges are available if you prefer to be anonymous or in character for the day.

Shoes:  Always comfortable shoes, sneakers are okay.  For the most conservative look, toes should be covered for your safety. Sandals
not extremely casual might be appropriate. Your choices reflect your judgment. Make certain you can walk comfortably in your shoes for the long hours.

Understanding the Postal Biz 5 Zone Areas

If you need more information or do not see it clearly labeled, please ask your Team Lead.

1. Drop-off Zone – area where UPS, FEDEX, USPS, DHL packages are clearly held in a clear space.  No other open boxes should be located in the same space.  Bins are used to avoid envelopes from falling off.  Scan all drop-off packages from DHL, UPS and Fedex as soon as possible.
2. Scan Zone – A temporary holding location where packages will be scanned after dropped-off. (This is especially useful when customers drop-off while we are with other clients).  The next available staff can then scan the packages before they are moved to their respective Drop-off Zones carrier shelves
3. Pickup Zone – area when Customer pickup jobs completed. Pre-paid or established Account holders.
4. Tasks Zone – where work is waiting to be completed or to handover to next shift.  Of course it is good practice to get it done immediately, but we will have situation say Virtual Mail,  printing or custom graphic needs to be created next day by a designer.  Check it regularly to follow up on tasks.  You will find this zone on a portable rolling cart.
5. Mailbox Zone – where customer’s mail and packages are stored.  One yellow card represents one package to be collected.  This includes Fedex Hold Location (HAL) in Mailroom and UPS Access Point by Project Room.


Common Sense / Street Smart

Each year, selected college students come to our center to participate in the Work-Study Program, where students take on “Apprentice” challenges  or simply get Street Smart – skills not taught in colleges.

Be Street Smart. examples:  A customer comes in and wants a box to ship their item.  A staff suggest a bag because it is cheaper.  The customer is annoyed when: 1.  The staff is not listening and understanding that a box is what the customer wants to ensure nothing gets broken.  2. Thinks the staff is not really smart,  trying to sell a cheaper item for the business.

How to Tape a Box: The Skill That You Didn’t Know You Needed

The H-Tape Method

Taping packing boxesAs you can imagine, the final product of this will look like an “H”.  One tape across vertically to the side helps you hold the cover down. Come back to it, once you are certain of the box.  Now using the tape, establish the horizontal tape line and add another line to the vertical edge.  The tape should overlap the piece already put on the box and now form an “H”.

No more, no less needed.  Be environmentally friendly. Don’t waste taping!   There is a taping service fee for folks who drop-off or did not tape their own box that pays for your time and material cost.

Glassware should be individually bubble wrap.  Picture frame should have foam on both sides taped up.  Heavy equipment should have foam padded.

Workplace Do/Don’ts

This is a workplace, so do not do your personal work/gaming on paid time.  #1 failure, if you can’t stop browsing your phone, you will be terminated.  Don’t make it to the Hall Of Fame of Don’ts.  Any free time should be channeled to doing something creative that contributes to the center. Do not use our company email to subscribe to anything (not any software or uber or coupons etc.).  It is strictly used for customers and task lists.  We prevent spams, as you will hate it when your task list is full of spam each morning!

If your activity does not add value to the company, then it must be the wrong thing to do.

Do not skip work to work another job, unless pre-approved!  Remember to respect our team, code of ethics, commitment, do not take advantage of your teammates as an easy substitute.  (Test your decisions, regardless of who you work for, if you are teacher, would you tell the school principle you will skip a class, abandon your students for your other activity).

Unique to our program, 20% of the time is invested in business development, where we encourage all staff to innovate, develop new products or work on creative projects

Don’t Make It to Hall Of Fame of Don’ts

  1. Non-essential texting/browsing on the job and on the mobile phone every few minutes, a focus issue. Employee terminated. (2020)
  2. Ask a teammate to work the front alone, while she took 2 hours nap at the back (2021)
  3. Having a boyfriend over at work together at the register (2022)

Here are a list of video trainings to complete:

How to properly Laminate
(Please remember to turn off and put the dust cover over.)

(Letters, Flats, Non-Machinable and Classified Mail)

Lithium batteries can only be shipped internationally if they are installed in the equipment they operate. Shipping carriers are not allowed to ship packages containing only lithium batteries or cells to international locations – they must be included inside a product. No markings or documentation are allowed on these international mailpieces. This rule applies to all international as well as Military APO/FPO/DPO destinations.

Standards for Domestic Shipments Containing Lithium Batteries (Use Ground Transportation)

  • Each cell cannot contain more than 1 gram of lithium
  • Each battery cannot contain more than 2 grams of lithium
  • All packages must contain a complete return address
  • For non-installed batteries, your package must have a DOT-approved lithium battery mark (UN3090)

Creating Return Shipping Label for Customers

  • You can create prepaid return labels for customers
  • You can email the labels too
  • However labels shipping from a different state will have a surcharge, which you have to add-on the difference.  You can add $3 to it or to be exact you can calculate the difference by getting the price from Avalon Mail Center to the place sending from.
  • You can itemize the surcharge difference onto the CARRIER type or FEES.

Voiding a Shipping Label

  1. Void the label on [SHIP] [OTHER ACTIVITIES] [VOID SHIP]
  2. After an successful void, then take care to adjust the billing for the customer.
  3. One extra step for USPS, you have to verify the status it is voided at
  4. Place the voided label in the drawer behind for Shift Manager to inspect later

We do not void Quick Postage, you have to use the stamp for the next customer, please place it in the white folder for the next staff to use for our Store Account Customers.   The price printed is the A Price, weigh it to match closely, so make sure it is about that cost price.  If needed you can paste those 5 cent stamps to make up the differences.

Mailbox 1583 Form Requirements

  • All adult individuals must complete a 1583 form, notarize, producing two copies of identifications (Photo ID and Address ID).  Spouses can sign on the same 1583 form or have a separate copy.  All friends or co-worker must be a on separate form.
  • Minors are entered into the same 1583 form, but is signed by the primary holder.  List names and ages of all minor children receiving mail at this address in Box #12.
  • Business names can be entered on Box #7 of the 1583 form.
  • Scan the completed 1583 Form, Photo ID and Address ID (cannot be the same) into Google drive folder 1583
  • You have to RTS any mail that was wrongly delivered by the next day, if a name is not found.
  • You do not have to insert a mail addressed to an unknown person even if you guess it is related to a mailbox customer.  Just RTS.
    If you think it is important mail, call the customer to ask the new person to provide the id.  Tell them this is required since 9/11.
  • We will comply with a subpoena or request from law enforcement for information on a specific individual by providing the 1583 form and the ids on file.  Please complete the 1583 form and make copies of ids, charges are as per normal, notary and photocopies.

DHL Drop-off Training

DHLYou will quickly notice, we get customer drop-offs and carrier leaving packages (better known as HOLD LOCATION  HAL) all day.  We scan dropoffs Fedex (once) and UPS (twice) and none for USPS Post Office (except Smart Posts).  For DHL Dropoff (twice) – using the black tablet we scan [RECEIVE FROM CUSTOMER] and we [CHECK-OUT SHIPMENT] to DHL, so when the carrier comes pick it up, it is ready.

For DHL hold, you will [CHECK-IN SHIPMENT] when DHL drops it off.  [DELIVER TO CUSTOMER] when pickup.

How to Forward Anytime Mailbox Requests

How to properly crimp coil spiral bound

Spiral binding

Martin Yale Stack Paper Cutter

Commercial stack cutter is ideal for photo shops, schools, churches, small print shops and businesses. It is capable of cutting a full 12″ length or depth and a stack of 1-1/2″ of 20lb paper (over 375 sheets). However, I would suggest you start with 1/2 inch first, and test your strength and technique.  The Martin Yale 7000E has an adjustable paper stop and a positive clamp that holds paper in place to eliminate shifting and tearing during the cutting process. The Martin Yale 7000E also has a safety blade latch that prevents cutting until it is released. This means that two hands are required to cut paper with the Martin Yale Powerline 7000E. This is an important safety feature to help you keep your fingers safe when cutting documents.


Opening team comes with an added responsibility:

  1. Be on time to open with your buddy
  2. Turn on computers: Register #1, Register #2
  3. Turn On Lights: Open Sign, Store Lights, Mailroom
  4. Unlock All doors: Front, Side, Back
  5. Login and start: POS & Cashmate (count and confirm you have minimum S100 on your day’s register).  Please Note, your 1st transaction may go into HOLD, if POS Cashmate is not “opened” first. If you cannot find your sale, check the HOLD.
  6. The Master station POS must be opened first always, which Leo usually does it.  If prompted to start Master, just go to the Master station and OPEN the register.  It will say $0 in Master Register.
  7. Check Email tasks for new activities or appointments for the day.  Reply to customers to acknowledge “received”.
  8. Refill printer paper and restock boxes.
  9. Keep a healthy workspace.  Vacuum the floor, sanitize wipe-down workstations and clean the doors in the mornings.
  10. Crank up the music, enjoy your day at work!


We close the last register after the last customer leaves and you can say “credit only” (if cash is already counted).  Team Leads designated as Closers, will clock-out accordingly to handle unplanned schedule changes.  The published closing time is for customers, not for our staff.

To prevent IRS inquiries, if you have an overage:

  1. Identify the error and customer by using the Counted [X List]. Contact the Customer if a credit card was declined (RED), inform the Senior Daily Staff to follow up with the customer if needed.
  2. Any Adjustment must be posted against the customer’s name to retain history, not Anonymous.
  3. Do NOT make up numbers if you can’t resolved it. Close As-Is. File a Reg Log if over $1.

Becoming a Notary Public

After you have completed your 14 Work Days Challenge, if you are 18+ years old and plan to work 15 months or more (including part-time, Alumni Subs); we will train you and get you certified with a professional skill.  This will make working at AMC a transformational experience for you!

Florida Notary

  1. Speak to your Payroll Comptroller (currently Leo) to approve and begin the Florida Certification Education.
  2. Begin an open book (Tip: use two screens if it helps you) 23 minutes per section course.  You can save and continue at any time; even if you are speedy, you are made to spend a total of 3-Hours on Florida Notary. Complete all the Self-Assessment online at your own pace:
  3. Print your Certification of completion, sign it and give it to Payroll Comptroller.
  4. Fill out an Application that Payroll provides and gather your required documentation.
  5. Submit your signed Application package to Payroll and we will mail your application and pay for the Seal and Bond to get your commission.  The professional license cost $121, but Postal Biz HQ will pay for it, when you agree to this none-compete.  The Bond and Certificate will remain the property of the center, but you can always purchase a personal copy.
  6. Florida takes about 3 weeks to process your license.  You will receive your Commission and Notary stamp.
  7. You are on your way to being a Notary Trainee the next 3-5 weeks shadowing a senior Notary and completing 15 sessions of Notary Services to complete your merits.  Review FAQ
  8. A framed certificate will be on its way. In 3-5 weeks you will graduate from our Postal Biz Academy!

Making Address Labels with Mail Merge

Address Labels Mail Merge

Rules of USPS First Class Parcel vs First Class Service Package
First Class Service Cheaper Package is a commercial rate discounted for Postalmate, cannot include personal correspondence except that such parcels may contain invoices, receipts, incidental advertising, and other documents that relate in all substantial respects to merchandise contained in the parcels.  It is subjected to inspection, whereas First Class Parcels are private, are closed against postal inspection. [MORE INFO].

Media Mail are NOT for correspondence documents, but only for books, Music Manuscripts or Education binders CDs or Medical loose-leaf pages.  Use a Report Cover (available $1).  [MORE INFO]

Email to Print Process

Understanding Booklet Printing


Virtual Mailbox Check Deposits

Customers must schedule with their respectively app.  Customer will provide the name of their bank and their account number and you write it on the back and initial it.

Next either drop it off at the bank or mail it to their bank (bill the cost of mailing).  Update Virtual Mail system that it is completed.  You can scan the deposit slip when you have it.

Leadership and Promotion Candidates

  • Exceed your responsibilities
    Promotion candidates should excel in their current responsibilities, but they should also stretch beyond the tasks assigned to them — without being asked. They view the success of the organization as their responsibility and step up to make sure that happens.
  • Recognized as leaders
    Just because employees don’t have direct reports doesn’t mean they can’t act like leaders. If others on the team turn to a particular employee for insight and guidance, he or she has already taken on a leadership role.
  • Curiosity
    Employees who demonstrate interest in the big picture beyond their projects and task assignments are ready to start thinking about the bigger questions involved in running a larger project or store operations.
  • Create solutions
    Some employees report problems up the management chain. Employees with leadership ability report the problem as well as the solution they created to address it.
  • Ask for feedback
    Most people dread performance reviews, and many take offense at even constructive criticism. If an employee asks for feedback and applies it to improving his or her performance, that person has the motivation to develop new skills.
  • Manage yourself
    If employee understands the purpose of the business and project so well that he or she doesn’t need to wait for instructions on what to do next, that person can take more responsibility and use that insight to manage and guide others.
  • Knowledge
    Complete all the necessary training credits and tests to be able to lead others.

Leadership Track –  By Invitation

The Shift Manager / Lead positions are assigned to staff to develop  leadership. While on duty, the Lead is the main Notary, assist the Shift Manager in administrative tasks, handle complaints and incidents that require attention, in addition to the normal duties.  Here are the general responsibilities of the Shift Manager (in the absence of a Shift Manager, the Lead assumes these responsibilities):

  • You are the Point contact – can substitute staff if anyone is out sick or has an emergency.  Call teammates and Notary backups (the sub list is on Saturday calendar).  Approve 1-to-1 swop or minor changes in schedule without subs.  Have the staff Complete Keep Leo updated of any changes for payroll purposes.
  • Ensure the staff wear their badges
  • Audit the 5 Zones.  Contact customer of completed pickups, ensure Tasks cart are attended to in the mornings, Scan dropoffs not mark “S”.  Audit USPS bin and ensure UPS/Fedex is in it.
  • Daily check there is no outstanding HOLD that needs to be immediately resolved
  • Help resolve any staff personal issues and submit Team Leader Quarterly or Ad Hoc Report.
  • Supervise, ensure team members respond to tasks on Email.  Reply “received” to acknowledge receipt and if the customer wants a big job complete immediately, they can prepay or pay a deposit on an estimated quote.
  • Has a Petty Cash/Publix store card to buy toiletries or medical supplies
  • Accounts Receivables – Ensure payments are collected in a timely manner.  Clear any HOLDS, monthly account statements, generate mailbox dues.
  • Responsible to exchange coins or small notes from Trustco Bank or Publix Customer Service.  Wear your name badge.
  • Organize any restocks.
  • Audit the mailboxes, mailboxes that are closed should not have mail.  Just RTS.
  • Supervise the team to maintain, clean, vacuum the store in the mornings or during quiet time
  • Ensure shredding is done in a timely manner
  • Handle customer complaints, and escalate to Management as needed.  Offer the RED card to diffuse extreme situations.
  • Handle Late/Lost/Damage claims.  Any lost or late shipment for UPS/Fedex/DHL will take 3 weeks to resolve.  Gather the description details. UPS/Fedex/DHL Damages will require team leads complete a claim excel form.
  • Handle Returns. If it is a unused physical item (example a box, stamps),  you can just returned product by cash, if it is under $20. All returns must be recorded against a customer’s name.  For  credit cards, on the same day is easy, just look for Void, simply  find the transaction and reverse a sale transaction.   If it is a different day, you will need complete a refund or partial amount.   After refunding remember to adjust the register as a Return against the customer’s name, so history is captured accordingly. You can compare with your closing total and terminal summary report after reversing to see if the total still matches.
  • Unused Postage must successfully be voided or unused Quick Postage stamps to be placed in the folder to be reused.
  • Work 24 hours a week in operations + rotating Saturdays.
  • Complete 3 hours a week in Business Development
  • Fix or request for handyman (Leo) for anything broken or that needs repair.

Internal Leadership Track

Available to all employees (Notary Publics) who have worked 6 months or more.  Complete the Leadership Track

  • 2IC Team Leaders
  • Shift Manager

On-boarding Human Resource Training

  • Employee
  • Covers the w-4 topic and w-4 calculator
  • fw9 1099 Contract Awards & Tuition Scholarships Funds